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- Sciences humaines et Sociales,
International Conference: "Existential Philosophy for Times of Change and Crises: Difference, disability, diversity" (4th edition, 2023)
du 6 juillet 2023 au 7 juillet 2023
Mélissa Fox-Muraton (ESC Clermont/PHIER, University Clermont Auvergne, France)
Jakub Gomułka (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Hanna Nasielska (Doctoral School, Pedagogical University of Kraków/Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
Scientific committee:
Oliver Norman (University of Poitiers, France)
Marzenna Jakubczak (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland)
Jowita Guja (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
Bartłomiej Kossakowski-Kisiel (Doctoral School, Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland)
Katarzyna Gurczyńska-Sady (Pedagogical University of Kraków, Poland)
9:00: Opening words
9:10-10:00: Katarzyna Gurczynska-Sady: Perfect human beings; What eugenics myths cannot come true?
10:00-10:50: Larissa Kolias: Western Ableism and the Logic of Purity
11:00-11:50: Jörg Disse: Levinas’s Other or the absolute respect of diversity
12:00-12:50: Mélissa Fox-Muraton: Autistic (Un)Masking and the Challenges of Authentic Self-Disclosure
12:50-13:40: Lisa Haase: Language Games as a Resource. A Wittgensteinian perspective on neurodivergent communication
14:30-15:20: Matthew Coate: Repetition as Resolution vs. Repetition as Ritual: an existential analysis of OCD
15:20-16:10: Sasha Simon: ‘Who’ Are You? The Role of Objectification in Arendt’s Thought and Possibilities for Political Change of Oppressive Systems
16:20-17:10: Oliver Norman: Diversity and Marginality: Drag as an Existential Aesthetic. Towards a Phenomenology of Drag Performance
17:10-18:00: Maddie Youngman: What Lesbian Relationship Dynamics can teach us about love and individual freedom
Friday 7 July 2023 (CEST)
10:00-10:50: Hanna Nasielska and Maceij Kaluża: Inability or disability? An analysis of the subject's inadequate response in Cioran and Camu
10:50-11:40: Michał Wróblewski: “The Philosophy of Freedom” after the age of Nietzsche
11:50-12:40: Daniel Milewski: The concept of authenticity
12:40-13:30: Jakub Marek: Drifting on Social Media. On the Phenomenon of Scrolling from an Existential Perspective
14:30-15:20: Tessa Murthy: Toward an existential hermeneutics of addict experience: the role of Grenzsituationen in “watershed experiences”
15:20-16:10: Stefan Bolea: Cioran and 20th century antihumanistic literature
16:20-17:10: Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco: Selfhood, Authenticity and mental illness
17:20-18:10: Emily Martone: The Eccentric Subject: A Kierkegaardian Deconstruction of Identities
18:10-19:00: Mariah Partida: Heidegger and Garland-Thomson: Uncanniness, Misfitting, and Disability